Watch Again Jan to Mar 2021
28/03/2021 6 pm
The Centrality of the Cross
Leader: Emma Latham
Speaker: Revd. Rob Latham
Readings: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 and
Philippians 2:5-13
Rob gives his talk in two parts:
(1) What did Jesus do on the Cross? (atonement)
(and why did God choose to do this?)
(2) The centrality of the Cross and our response
(and when in the Bible did the Cross become
For a transcript of the talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
21/03/2021 6 pm
Evening Prayer: Lifted up, Jesus will draw all to Himself
Leader and Speaker: Revd. Andrew Attwood
Readings: Hebrews 5:5-10, John 12:20-33.
For Evening Prayer order of service, click here.
Andrew leads us through these poignant readings to give us an inkling of Jesus' feelings as He sets His face towards the Cross in obedience. Do we dare to take heed of His words in John 12:25?
For a transcript of the talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
14/03/2021 6 pm
Evening Prayer: Grace and Faith Working Together
Leader: Emma Latham
Speaker: Rob Latham
Readings: Ephesians 2:1-10, Psalm 107:1-9,
John 3:4-21.
For the order of service, click here.
Apologies for the sound quality when Felicity leads the intercessions - they can be read if you click here.
In his talk, Rob describes briefly his journey of faith. He contrasts this with the Israelites who through their lack of faith wandered the desert for 40 years, and links these thoughts to the grace of God who provided a healing bronze snake lifted up for them, prefiguring the amazing grace of Jesus lifted up on the Cross for our redemption.
For a transcript of just the sermon: click here.
For one of the whole service: click here.
07/03/2021 6 pm
Healing and Refreshing: Flying
With Lynda Howells and Ann Gibbons
Ann starts the service with thoughts about flying: the Red Arrows, Eagles, the storms of life. She weaves these Bible references in: Isaiah 40:31,
2 Corinthians 4:16-18, James 1:2-3, 2 Timothy 4:5, Hebrews 12:7.
Lynda leads a meditation on flying through trust in the Lord.
There is a time of restful music with Alpine scenes​
Lynda leads a prayer time.
There are also four songs.
For a transcript only of the talks: click here.
For one of the whole service: click here.
28/02/2021 6 pm
Taking Up Our Cross
Leader: Christine Haines
Speaker: Revd. Andrew Haines
Readings: Romans 4:13-25,
Andrew looks at the two passages in the light of last week's reading in three parts:
Jesus' baptism - Affirmation
Jesus' temptation - Example
Beginning of Jesus' Ministry - Challenge
​... and the challenge is Jesus' words, "if you want to be my disciple, take up your cross and follow Me." - Andrew discusses what that means.
For a transcript of just the talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
21/02/2021 6 pm
The Spirit sends Jesus out from His baptism
Leader: Paul Lewis
Speaker: Val Whiteman
Readings: 1 Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:9-15
For the Evening Prayer liturgy, click here.
Val concentrates first on the passage from 1 Peter and reflects on a story perhaps from the book of Enoch: Jesus releasing the prisoners of Hell, and then casts her mind to C.S. Lewis' story in The Great Divorce about a one-way bus from Hell to Heaven, and asks what we can learn about Jesus from these stories.
For a transcript of the talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
14/02/2021 6 pm
Evening Prayer:
They Saw Jesus' Glory
Leader: Anthony Manning
Speaker: Sam Whiteside
Scheduled readings: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6,
Mark 9:2-9
Evening Prayer order of service, click here.
Sam looks at the mountaintop experience that the disciples had and asks - is it time to expect a mountaintop experience for ourselves with Jesus, and if we've already had one or more, why not expect another?
For a transcript of the talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
14/02/2021 10 am (WR)
The Love of God Compared to Other Loves
Leader: Kim Matthews
Speaker: Jennifer Matthews
Some of Jennifer's themes:
However independent we are, we need a saviour;
God has reached out in love through death on a cross - are you ready to receive His grace and forgiveness? It's never too late.
Prayers: Karen Mills
Readings (by Hannah Matthews):
Romans 8:37-39, 1 John 4:7-11
Also Andrew Attwood interviews Matthew King about how he experiences God in the workplace.
For a transcript of the talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
07/02/2021 10 am
MOT: My Bible Reading
With Penny Bryans and Michelle Harris.
Today's readings are 2 Timothy 3:14-17 and Matthew 4:1-4
Penny talks about why we should read the Bible daily (using the acronym CDM), and Michelle and Penny give us lots of ideas of how to get us stimulated to read the Bible.
For a transcript of the talks - click here.
For transcript of the whole service - click here.
31/01/2021 10 am
Strengthening Grace
With talk by Val Whiteman.
Service led by Revd. Andrew Attwood.
Val suggests you read this four-page background to her talk - click here to read it.
Before the talk, Andrew talks to Steve and Ruth Sutton about how they live in faith with Ruth's MS.
Val's talk puts this type of faith in the wider context of Paul's faith in suffering, as described in 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. She likes The Message paraphrase version.
For a transcript of the interview and talk - click here.
For a transcript of the whole service - click here.
24/01/2021 6 pm
Agape Meal
With Revd. Andrew Attwood, Revd. Rob Latham, Emma Latham, Felicity Hawke and Steve Sutton.
We are not able to celebrate a consecrated Communion together at the moment, but this is a chance to share a token meal. We suggest you have some bread and wine or juice to hand when you watch this.
Andrew shows how Exodus and Passover lead to the Last Supper and True Liberty.
For a transcript of the talk and Steve's contribution - click here.
For a transcript of the whole service - click here.
17/01/2021 6 pm
Jesus knows Nathanael
With Val Whiteman. Geoff Whiteman and John Wild read from Revelation 5:1-10 and John 1:43-51 respectively, and Gill Palmer led the intercessions.
Val introduces us to Nathanael/Nathaniel and draws out the links in John's gospel passage with Jacob - there are more than one!
For the order of service for Evening Prayer - follow this link.
For a transcript of the talk - click here.
For a transcript of the whole service - click here.
10/01/2021 6 pm
The Baptism of Christ
With Rob and Emma Latham.
The readings are Acts 19:1-7 and Mark 1:4-11
For the order of service for Evening Prayer - follow this link.
Rob explains why it was necessary for Jesus to be baptised, and shows that through this, Jesus enables humans to be the people we were meant to be, through baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Transcript of readings and talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
03/01/2021 6 pm
Healing and Refreshing:
Here We Go Again
With Ann Gibbons and Lynda Howells.
Ann and Lynda ask, are we putting the Father first when we make our New Year plans and resolutions?
Readings are from Psalm 36:5-9 and
Jeremiah 29:11
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
28/03/2021 10 am
Christ Our Passover
Leader: Michelle Harris
Speaker: Denise Coomber
Readings: Luke 22:7-20, 1 Corinthians 5:7
Andrew Attwood interviews Vikki about how she has let Jesus overcome negative thinking, and
in the main talk, Denise takes us through all the elements of the Jewish Passover meal and shows the linkage of the symbolism to who Jesus is and what He has done.
For a transcript of the talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
21/03/2021 10 am
Christ’s View on Marriage
Leader: Lindsey Attwood,
Speaker: Revd. Andrew Attwood
Reading: Matthew 19:1-12
The service includes an idea about Easter from Sue Pollard and an interview with Jane Garsed about listening to God in Lockdown.
In his talk Andrew goes back to the culture and the law of Israel at the time of ​Jesus, explaining why Jesus did not need to talk in detail about what Jewish law said about improper relationships - but Jesus went further - see the reading.
For a transcript of the talks - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
14/03/2021 10 am
The Bible's Big Picture of Marriage
Leader: Andrew Attwood
Speaker: Phil Sewards
Readings: Ephesians 5:22-31, Revelation 21:1-4.​
Before the talk, Andrew interviews Simone, who talks about being more open to the Holy Spirit's prompting, being obedient, and the benefits of switching off the TV.
In Phil's talk, he puts marriage in the context of the narrative of the Bible, and draws the distinction between what is given for humans to decide and what is in the province of God to decide.
For a transcript of the interview & talk: click here. For one of the whole service: click here.
07/03/2021 10 am
MOT: Our Giving
Leader: Andrew Attwood
Speaker: Val Whiteman
Interview with treasurer, Peter Jackson
Interview with Rosie Lee on Christian giving
Reading of Luke 21 verses 1 to 4 by Isaac.
Rosie talks about her life experience of receiving in early life, prompting her spirit of Christian hospitality.
Val chooses about 10 of the 2,100+ verses in the Bible about giving to raise the question: what is our response to our generous God?
Peter adds to this theme, and goes into detail of how our church finances are currently affected and raises some questions about the future.
Note: the Southwark 5-week Bible Study that Peter refers to can be found by clicking this link.
For transcript of interviews and talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
28/02/2021 10 am
Drifting from God's Teaching on Contentious Subjects?
Leader: Denise Coomber
Speaker: Revd. Andrew Attwood
Reading: Luke 12:4-10
See also 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 and also 2nd half of Isaiah 66:2
Andrew exhorts us to give the Word of God priority when we consider contentious issues
such as modern forms of marriage.
The service also includes an interview with Denise's daughter Bekah and an appeal to us consider applying to be a PCC link person - a 'deacon'.
For a transcript of just the talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
21/02/2021 10 am
The Importance of Marriage: Imaging God
Leader: Revd. Andrew Attwood
Speaker: Revd. Graham Archer
Initial readings: Genesis 1:26-31,
Galatians 3:23-29.
Also Colossians 3:10, Genesis 2:18-25,
Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:31
Graham first talks about people's different perspectives/filters on marriage and weddings, then asks what Scripture says, and concludes with thoughts on how to discuss different people's ideas on sexuality - the theological challenges and the pastoral challenges of each perspective.
For a transcript of the talk - click here.
For one of the whole service - click here.
14/02/2021 10 am (KM)
Alan's Testimony:
An experience of COVID-19
Alan Fish describes his journey of confusion, weariness and illness, having recently been widowed, being sent to hospital - and being sent home while still ill - and becoming more alive to Jesus. Alan refers to John 21:15 and John 17:26.
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Alternatively try this Google link.
For a transcript - click here.
07/02/2021 6 pm
Healing and Refreshing:
Our Heavenly Father's Love
Led by Ann Gibbons with a meditation and prayers by Lynda Howells.
What is God's love? Greater and more challenging than maybe you think!
For a transcript of the whole service - click here.
31/01/2021 6:30 pm
Taizé service for Candlemas
With talk by Revd. Richard Moore
(St. Nicholas & St. Barnabas Kenilworth).
Service led by Felicity Hawke
(St. John Kenilworth).
This is a Churches Together in Kenilworth and District service. For the order of service - click here.
Richard Moore draws parallels between the pivotal point of coronavirus vaccines starting to be deployed and Candlemas being the pivot between Christmas and the lead-up to Easter. Are we prepared to be bearers of the light of Christ?
For a transcript of Richard's reflection - click here.
24/01/2021 6:30 pm
Start of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
With Jim Perryman (Leek Wootton) leading and Christine Flood (Kenilworth Methodist Church) giving the address (for transcript - click here).
For the order of service - click here.
Like the St. John's 10am service, the main reading was John 15:1-17: the theme was Abiding in Christ and it took the form of three 'vigils', each with intercessions and hymns, and for two of them there was a Taizé chant.
24/01/2021 10 am
Sanctifying Grace
Talk by Revd. Andrew Attwood.
The main reading was John 15:1-17.
(Jesus says, "I am the vine ... abide in Me")
Andrew talks about the rhythm of life - rest and work, abiding and fruitfulness.
For a transcript of Lindsey's meditation on the vine, Andrew's interview of Andy and Andrew's talk - click here.
For a transcript of the whole service - click here.
17/01/2021 10 am
Saving Grace
Denise led the service, Roger Homes gave the talk. Marcus and Heather gave testimonies.
The main readings are John 5:24-29,
Romans 8:14-19 and 1 Peter 1:3-6
More references will be visible in the transcripts, which are planned to be provided by Monday or Tuesday.
There was a break in transmission, so to see the first part of the video - click here
This entry is planned to be updated later.
Transcript of talk and testimonies - click here.
Transcript of the whole service (parts 1 and 2) - click here.
10/01/2021 10 am
Undeserved Grace
Service led by Karen Mills
Talk by Andrew Attwood, who also interviews
Heather about her experience of God at work.
The reading about Barabbas is based on
Matthew 27:15-24,
There is also reference to Romans 5:6-8
and Ephesians 2:1-3 as Andrew explores how Barabbas received grace.
For more references and detail read a transcript:
interview, reading and talk only - follow this link.
transcript of whole service - follow this link.
03/01/2021 10 am
MOT: My Prayer Life
Lindsey Attwood leads the service, Andrew gives the talk. Congregation members Naomi and Rosie, Paula and Esther also contribute.
The reading is Matthew chapter 6, verses 5 to 14.
Andrew and Lindsey ask us to consider, are we spending quality time with God, in
* regular praying
* resting in God
* focussed prayer
Transcript of the interview and talk - follow this link. It includes references to 2 books mentioned.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
22/03/2020 10 am
Do Not Worry
The reading is of Matthew chapter 6 verses 25 to 34
Other references: Philippians 4:6-7 ("do not be anxious ... and the peace of God ... guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"), Luke 8:22-25 (Jesus commands the disciples to cross the lake in a storm), Matthew 17:22-23 (Jesus knows he is going to die and rise again), Revelation 1:18 ("I was dead, and now look! I am alive for ever")
The service starts at 12 mins 50 secs into the video and lasts 34 minutes