Watch Again Jul to Dec 2020
27/12/2020 6 pm
Compline, also known as Night Prayer, or the Prayers at the End of the Day, is the final church service (or office) of the day in the Christian tradition of canonical hours, [Wikipedia]
Felicity Hawke includes in this short service a passage from God With Us, by J. John, with reflections about Simeon's and Anna's responses to Jesus during his Presentation in the Temple.
For the order of service - follow this link.
For a transcript of the service - follow this link.
25/12/2020 10 am
Christmas In Challenging Times
Andrew Attwood introduces the service and gives the main talk. There are also 8 quick perspectives on Christmas, a kind of nativity play on video and a number of carols and Christmas songs.
For a transcript of just the talk and a number of perspectives on Christmas by members of the congregation - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
20/12/2020 10 am
Making Room for the Messiah
Before the talk, Lindsey reads from Daniel chapter 9 verses 20 to 27.
Andrew then explains why the prophecies in the book of Daniel are so relevant for Christmas: the angel Gabriel appearing and giving a timeline to the coming of the Messiah. Listen to the talk and hear how many prophecies in Daniel Jesus fulfils.
Roger & Heather Homes lead the intercessions. There is also an interview with Dot Powell on the topic of waiting.
For a transcript of only the reading & talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
13/12/2020 10 am
Interpreting Scripture Properly
Leader: Revd. Andrew Attwood
Speaker: Phil Sewards
Also includes an interview with Rob Harris on his method of memorising Scripture verses.
Phil takes his initial text from 1 Timothy 4:1-4.​
He structures his talk around the words 'approach', 'analysis' and 'application'
For a transcript of the interview, reading, talk and prayerful response - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
06/12/2020 10 am
The Old Testament hope of a Messiah to come
The speaker today is Val Whiteman.
Also Lindsey Attwood interviews Lis Cox, asking her what Christmas means to her.
Some of Val's references are: Micah 5:2-4, Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 60:1-3.
Before the talk, Geoff Whiteman reads Matthew 2 verses 1-18.
For a transcript of the talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
29/11/2020 6:30 pm
Advent Taizé Service
This Sunday we had a Taizé Service at 6.30, with contributions from all the local churches. You can watch the Zoom recording from Monday via (copied on the button below). For a service booklet follow this link and then click on the picture.
For a transcript of the service - follow this link.
22/11/2020 6 pm
Agape Service
This Sunday Andrew Attwood led us in an Agape Meal. We are not able to celebrate a consecrated Communion together at the moment, but this is a chance to share a token meal. We suggest you have some bread and wine or juice to hand when you watch this. Lindsey Attwood, Gill & Charlie Palmer and Felicity Hawke took part too.
For the order of service - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
15/11/2020 6 pm
Evening Prayer: Alert and Self-Controlled? Use your Talents
Readings: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 (read by Hanne Manning) and Matthew 25:14-30 (read by Gill Heath)
Anthony Manning links these two readings, and shows what it means to be alert and self-controlled (or 'awake' and 'sober' as the more recent version of the NIV translates the words).
Transcript of readings and talk - follow this link.
Transcript of whole service - follow this link.
08/11/2020 6 pm
Evening Prayer: Keep Watch
Service led by Emma Latham, talk by Rob Latham, readings by Emma Latham and Rosie Lee, prayers by David Hewitt.
Remembrance Day pictures by Michelle Harris.
Readings: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and Matthew 25:1-13
How are you sleeping? Rob has some stories to tell about sleep, including the one about the wise and foolish virgins. He also talks about the fact that Jesus talks about death in terms of sleeping, and why.
For the order of service - follow this link.
For a transcript of the notices, readings, talk and act of remembrance - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
01/11/2020 6 pm
Thanksgiving for Life
A time of remembrance of loved ones, especially those no longer with us.
Led by Ann Gibbons with Lynda Howells leading prayers at the end.
Readings by Peter and Anne Fisher of
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and John 14:1-6
With talk by Revd. Roger Turner
For a transcript of the readings and the talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
25/10/2020 6 pm
In Depth Teaching: Where is God in this pandemic?
Service led by Gill Palmer,
in-depth talk by Phil Sewards
Reading from Psalms 67 and 27, and many other Bible passages.
For a transcript of the talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
18/10/2020 6 pm
Evening Prayer: How involved should Christians be in Society?
The texts for the sermon are 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 and Matthew 22:15-22
Val Whiteman and Felicity Hawke lead the service, with Val giving the talk: she leads us through the Pharisees and the Herodians challenging Jesus with a trick question, then asks, well what is Caesar's? And what is God's? ... and provides some answers.
For a transcript of the talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
11/10/2020 6 pm
Evening Prayer: Come and Rejoice with the Lord
After Emma has read Philippians 4:1-9 and John has read Matthew 22:1-14, Rob Latham first addresses the epistle, and explains what a chiasm is. You'll then be asking yourself, where else have I seen a chiasm in the Bible? He then comes to the more important gospel passage about the parable of the wedding banquet, comparing it with some wedding invitation experiences of his own, and then asks (a) are we presuming too much that we're in the 'in crowd' and (b) whether we are resisting the change of clothes that our Lord is offering.
For the words commonly used at Evening Prayer follow this link.
For a transcript of the talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
04/10/2020 6 pm
Healing and Refreshing - Harvest
With Ann Gibbons and Lynda Howells.
Meditative thoughts, prayers, music and hymns from Ann and Lynda, music being provided by Hull Minster, Sovereign Grace and Worship Lyric Videos, all by permission, with pictures of harvest from the fields near a church remarkably like Kenilworth's St. John's.
Transcript of the prayers and meditations - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service, including the poem "Faithfulness" by Margaret Bowdler - follow this link.
27/09/2020 6 pm
Evening Prayer
Being Humble Like Jesus
Philippians 2:1-13, Matthew 21:23-32
Speaker: Revd. Andrew Attwood
Leader: Val Whiteman
For the order of service, please follow this link.
In the second passage, Jesus shows himself to take the religious leaders on their own terms, and to be honest and humble with those who are honest and transparent. In the first passage, Andrew uses this letter from Paul to show how Jesus' "emptying of himself, taking the form of a servant" is not something He is reluctant to do, but how it embodies His very nature, and then shows Paul asking us to "have the same mind as Jesus" and to be humble and servant-like too, with the cost that entails.
For a transcript of the readings and talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
20/09/2020 6 pm
Evening Prayer
The Last Will Be First
The service is led by Emma Latham and the talk is by her husband, Robert.
Emma reads Philippians 1:21-30.
Rosie Lee Matthew 20:1-16.
Anxious about death? Saint Paul wasn't. In fact in the first passage, he wasn't sure which to choose. Why?
Robert speaks from experience with two people and relates this to the two passages.
For the order of service, please follow this link.
Transcript of the notices, readings & talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
13/09/2020 6 pm
Evening Prayer: being present in His presence
Service led by Anthony Manning
Talk by Sam Whiteside
Readings: Proverbs 8:27-31 and Joshua 8:1-8
Form of service: follow this link.
The Proverbs passage begins "I was there". Sam asks
us to imagine being there with Joshua at the second battle for the town of Ai, and to learn some spiritual lessons from it.
Transcript of the readings & talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
06/09/2020 6 pm
Healing and Refreshing -
On Firm Foundations
With Ann Gibbons and Lynda Howells
Do we need foundations?
Who is the builder?
How much input should He have in our lives?
Are you crying tears of grief?
Do you find life hard to understand?
Find trust in God through Jesus, our cornerstone.
These are some of the thoughts that Lynda expresses.
There are also hymns and prayers on the same theme.
Some helpful verses: Isaiah 28:16, 1 Corinthians 3:11,
2 Timothy 2:19, Ephesians 2:20.
30/08/2020 6:30 pm
Taizé - In Him I Trust
If there is a fifth Sunday in the month we join with other churches in Kenilworth in a service based on the songs and the culture of the Taizé community (see
Click here for the order of service.
For a transcript of the parts not in the order of service, follow this link.
23/08/2020 6 pm
No online evening service
An outdoor service took place this evening. There is no recording of it.
16/08/2020 6 pm
No online evening service
An outdoor service was planned for this evening but could not take place due to poor weather.
09/08/2020 all day
Mary Sumner Day
The worldwide Mothers' Union ran a number of video services, President's message and other videos from their YouTube account,
For a transcript of the Worldwide President's Message follow this link.
YouTube video of Morning Prayer - follow this link.
For a transcript of Morning Prayer - follow this link.
02/08/2020 6 pm
Compline: Feeding of 5,000
Felicity Hawke leads the service, Ann Gibbons reads Matthew chapter 14, verses 13 to 21, and Val Whiteman invites us to be one of the crowd alongside 5,000 men plus women and children as Jesus performs a miracle.
Transcript of reading & meditation - follow this link.
Transcript of whole service - follow this link.
26/07/2020 6 pm
In God We Trust
Christine Haines leads the service.
After the reading of Romans chapter 8 verses 26-39 by Gill Heath, Andrew Haines gives the talk. First, because these verses sum up all of what has gone before in this letter, he summarizes chapters 1 to 8, and then leads us through the actual verses, showing how Paul answers the four questions in them.
Transcript of the reading and talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
19/07/2020 6 pm
The Wheat and the Weeds
Emma Latham leads the service, she also reads Romans 8:12-25, Felicity Hawke reads Matthew 13:24-30 and 36-43 and at the end leads the prayers, and Robert Latham gives a talk on both passages, linking them to Genesis chapters 1 and 2.
Transcript of the readings and talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
12/07/2020 6 pm
Evening Prayer: the Sower and the Seed
Gill Palmer leads the service, Rosie Lee reads Romans 8:1-11 and Charlie Palmer reads Matthew 13:1-9 and 18-23. Lynda Howells gives a sermon on the passage from Matthew, and Charlie leads the prayers.
05/07/2020 6 pm
Healing and Refreshing:
From Pain into Pearls
Ann Gibbons leads the service, and
Lynda Howells leads a meditation on the theme of "from Pain into Pearls. The service also includes prayers and songs.
For transcript of the meditation - follow this link.
For transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
05/07/2020 10 am
Knights' Meadow talk: Prophecy
Andrew Attwood talks about one of his favourite subjects, prophecy in the modern church, using
1 Corinthians chapter 14 verses 29 to 33 to show that it was normal in early church meetings for church members to prophesy. Why not now?
Other references: John 10:14-16, 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 14, Romans 12:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22, Acts 13:1-3
22/03/2020 10 am
Do Not Worry
The reading is of Matthew chapter 6 verses 25 to 34
Other references: Philippians 4:6-7 ("do not be anxious ... and the peace of God ... guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"), Luke 8:22-25 (Jesus commands the disciples to cross the lake in a storm), Matthew 17:22-23 (Jesus knows he is going to die and rise again), Revelation 1:18 ("I was dead, and now look! I am alive for ever")
The service starts at 12 mins 50 secs into the video and lasts 34 minutes
27/12/2020 10 am
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
The service is led by Emma Latham, the reading of Luke 2:22-40 is by Hamish Blair, the talk is by Robert Latham and the prayers are by Pam Stote.
Rob shows us that Christmas is more than two days, and links the Presentation with the Cross, in that in both cases Jesus is representing us before the Father. He also discusses happiness, joy and grace.
For a transcript of the talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
20/12/2020 6 pm
Carol Service
This is a service of nine readings and carols - but not a replica of King's College Cambridge.
Some of the carols are familiar, some are fresh.
There is a poem called "No Room" by Margaret Bowdler and a Christmas Creed by a 20th century Episcopalian priest called Walter Russell Bowie.
Graham and Ingrid Hyde lead the prayers at the end in an unusual meditative format.
For a transcript - follow this link.
13/12/2020 6 pm
Evening Prayer:
John Calling in the Desert
Leader: Paul Lewis, Speaker: Val Whiteman
Intercessions: Gill Palmer
Readers: Rosie Lee & Felicity Hawke
Readings: 1 Thess. 5:16-24 and John 1:6-9 and 19-28
For responses usually used in Evening Prayer services - follow this link.
For a transcript of the readings and talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
06/12/2020 6 pm
Healing and Refreshing:
What's it all about - Advent?
Ann Gibbons and Lynda Howells lead this Healing and Refreshing service.
Lynda explores how Jesus leads us out of darkness, as He is the Light of the World.
Michelle Harris has provided a meditative video and Ann reads a poem by Margaret Allcock.
For a transcript of the service - follow this link.
30/11/2020 11am
Mothers' Union Coventry Diocese Advent Service
This morning's Mothers's Union Coventry Diocese Advent service was recorded in St. John's Warwick Road. Jane Hill, President of MU in Coventry Diocese introduced the service, Ann Gibbons led it, it featured Rosie Lee being formally admitted to the Mothers' Union and a poem by Margaret Allcock was read. Revd. Pam Gould, chaplain for MU in Coventry Diocese, gave the talk and Lynda Howells led the prayers.
29/11/2020 10 am
What does 'devoting ourselves to Apostolic teaching' mean?
The service was led by Michelle Harris with help from her daughter Jessica. The reading and the prayers were by Pam Stote and the speaker was Denise Coomber. There was also a video by The Bible Project ( on Public Reading of Scripture.
For a transcript of the video, reading and talk follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
22/11/2020 10 am
The Beauty, Wonder & Completeness of the Bible
This is part 3 in the 3-part series "The Power of God's Word".
Leader: Revd. Andrew Attwood - who also leads a discussion group of Lindsey Attwood, Michelle Harris and Denise Coomber on the topic above.
Introduction and readings by Karen Mills:
Psalm 119:9-16 (NIV), 1 Timothy 3:14-17 (NKJV)
And Simone Royle tells us what the Bible means to her.
For a transcript of the contributions and discussion - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
15/11/2020 10 am
What Jesus believed about the Scripture
Readings: John 16:12-15 and Luke 24:25-27
Fiona Dowle leads the service, and Andrew Attwood gives this 2nd talk in the series "The Power of God's Word": in an uncertain world, how to relieve anxiety? Trust in Scripture as Jesus did... all of it?
Also Dot Powell asks Caroline Ramsay, what the Cross means to her,
and Kevin Dowle leads us in prayer.
Transcript of the introduction, "what the Cross means to me", the readings and the talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
08/11/2020 10 am
The Power of God's Word - part 1
Reading: Luke 4:1-12
Graham Archer asks, what makes words powerful? Spoiler alert - it's 5 things:
Authority, Integrity, Knowledge, Love and Time. Watch and find out why.
Andrew Attwood leads this service (on Remembrance Day), with an interview with Steve Hawke, "What the Cross Means to Me" by Gill Palmer, and Bible readings by Di Archer.
Remembrance Day pictures by Michelle Harris.
For a transcript of the interview, Gill Palmer's contribution and the main talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
01/11/2020 10 am
The Heart of Jesus for the Sick and Bereaved
Val Whiteman leads the service and Jennifer Matthews gives the main talk.
Before the talk, Phil Sewards says what the Jesus and the Cross means to him, and Andrew Attwood interviews Ruth Coomber.
Reading: Luke 7:1-17
For a transcript of the main talk, the interview and Phil Sewards' contribution - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
25/10/2020 10 am
Trusting in the Gospel more than in our ability to persuade people
Service led by Denise Coomber, talk by Andrew Attwood
Interview with Vikki Anderson, and "What the Cross means to Me" from Jane Garsed and Kate Dickson
The text for today is 1 Corinthians 1:17-25.
Andrew explains that the power of the Good News of Jesus' forgiveness through His death and resurrection is so good, you just have to tell it!
For a transcript of the introduction, the interview, the Cross contributions and the main talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
18/10/2020 10 am
Trained to Share the Gospel
The reading for the day is Luke 10:1-7
Andrew Attwood leads the service, Mike Dayus says what the Cross means to him, and our guest speakers are Dave and Liz Johnson, speaking from Cumbria on spreading the Gospel in the context of holiday letting and a church congregation scattered around an area.
For a transcript of the talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
Please note: the transcripts were revised on 20th October at 8:20 pm. If you have an older version, you might want one of the newer ones (above) which include corrections by Dave Johnson.
11/10/2020 10 am
How did you hear about Jesus?
When was the first time you heard about Jesus? When did the penny drop that he loves you personally? Was it through people who talked to you about Jesus? Read Romans 10:8-15 (especially 14-15) and think: can you do the same for someone else that these people did for you? Listen to Michelle Harris explain how important this is, and what you can do about it. Phil Sewards reads the main passage and gives a short prayerful response at the end.
Lots more Bible references in the transcript:
For a transcript of the talk - follow this link.
For a transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
04/10/2020 10 am
Nehemiah and Discipleship
With Andrew Attwood (leading the service), Lindsey Attwood (giving the main talk), Michelle Harris and Penny Bryans.
Reading: Nehemiah chapter 1 verses 1 to 10.
The service includes a short reflection by Penny Bryans on Jesus' Indescribable Love, Andrew Attwood introduces the Bible reading of Nehemiah 1:1-10 and then Lindsey Attwood explores her personal journey of discipleship using the Nehemiah passage as a Biblical background.
As in many of our services, songs from Hillsong are included by permission.
Transcript of Penny's contribution, the talk and the interview - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
27/09/2020 10 am
Who is the Gospel for, and how does it work in practice?
Romans 1:16, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, Luke 10:1-12,
2 Corinthians 2:14-16
Speaker: Revd. Andrew Attwood
Leader: Denise Coomber and Fiona Dowle
Are we ashamed of the Gospel? How can we share it in different contexts? Who are people of peace? Who is receptive? What does it mean, to sow the seed, and to experiment with how one presents the Gospel? Andrew touches on all these aspects today.
Transcript of the Fiona's introduction, Andrew's talk and Denise's prayerful response - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
20/09/2020 10 am
Hearing and applying the Gospel again to ourselves
Kim Matthews leads the service, Roger Homes gives the talk, Rosie Lee reports on how "Quiet Space" has touched people, Heather Homes reads one of the passages, Charlie Palmer says what Christ's forgiveness means to him and Jenny Matthews leads the intercessions.
Roger talks about three aspects of Hebrews 9:11-15 and Galatians 6:12-15 - forgiveness of our sins through Christ's eternal sacrifice, why we should boast in nothing but only in the Lord, and how we are all equal in God's sight through Christ.
Transcript of the talk with all the Bible references, and Rosie's and Charlie's contributions - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
13/09/2020 10 am
How important is the Gospel?
Service led by Michelle Harris, talk by Andrew Attwood,
Notice & reading by Kim Matthews,
Andy Collins on what the Cross means to him.
The main reading is Matthew 7 verses 13-14: the narrow gate. The Gospel Message is exclusive - it is only through faith in Jesus dying on the cross, rising again to life and through this making us right with God, that we are saved. But the message is for everyone.
Follow this link to Andrew's leaflet mentioned in his talk - "The Message Of The Cross"
For transcript of the notices, reading and talk (with lots of Bible references) plus Andy Collins' thoughts - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
06/09/2020 10 am
The Heart of the Father for the World
How do you see God? Creator of the universe? The Lawgiver? The Provider? The Rescuer? Father? Jesus says in John 3:16 that God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. In St. Peter's second letter in the Bible, in 2 Peter 3:9, he says the Lord is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. In St.John's first letter, in 1 John 3:16, he says, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us". So listen to Val Whiteman as she guides us through some ideas about getting to know the God who loves the whole world.
Lindsey Attwood leads the service, Roger Homes tells us what the Cross means to him, and Jane Garsed leads the intercessions.
30/08/2020 10 pm
Good News!
The service is led by Denise Coomber, it includes a video that sums up the Gospel in the simplest terms, Jeremy Bryans tells us briefly what the Cross means to him, Denise reads Mark 1:14-15 and 1 Corinth's 15:1-5 and Andrew goes into detail about what the Gospel message is, with many references: for these see the transcript - follow this link for the transcript.
There are two Hillsong songs - they have been kind enough to give us permission to use their songs in our services.
23/08/2020 10 am
Our need of the Gospel
Revd. Andrew Attwood explains how much we need the salvation of Jesus through His death on the cross and resurrection, because without His sacrifice we come under God's judgement.
Lindsey Attwood leads the service, reading Romans 3:21-26 before Andrew's talk. Andrew has about 20 other references to the Bible in his talk, including Luke 16:19-31. For the other references, see a transcript.
Before the reading, Elizabeth Maylor says what the Cross of Jesus means to her.
Transcript of the talk - follow this link.
Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
16/08/2020 10 am
Kevin Dowle starts by looking at a definition of faith, based on Hebrews chapter 11, verses 1 to 3 and 6, then looks at an example of faith - Peter waling on the water - in Matthew chapter 14, verses 22 to 32.
Mary Rai gives two examples of faith in practice in her own life.
Fiona Dowle leads the service, Vicki Anderson prays at the beginning, Malcolm Jones and Nathan Jones (no relation) read the passages and Kal Rai prays at the end.
For a transcript of the talk and Mary's examples - follow this link.
For a transcript of the full service - follow this link.
09/08/2020 10 am
You Alone Can Rescue
Beryl & Mike Dayus lead the service, Mark King reads from Genesis chapter 37, verses 1-4 and 12-28, Peter Jackson reads Psalm 105 verses 16-22, Mike Berry gives a talk on the story of Joseph and some similarities of that to what Jesus offers, Mike Dayus reads Psalm 105 verses 1-6, Sue King, Katy Berry and Beryl Dayus lead the prayers, and Janet & Peter Jackson conclude with a blessing from Jude verses 24-25.
For a transcript of the readings & talk follow this link.
Fora transcript of the whole service - follow this link.
02/08/2020 10 am
The Body of Christ
Do you feel so insignificant that Jesus can't use you? Think about the boy who brought the loaves and the fish to Jesus. We all need each other, and we need to be different from each other to help each other and thus serve God. Lindsey Attwood leads this service, Chris Waters homes in on the 2nd part of that message (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) and Penny Bryans talks about the 1st part (John 6:5-13). Karen Jackson and Ellie Bryans read the passages,
Roger and Heather Homes lead the prayers.
26/07/2020 10 am
The Great Treasure
Denise Coomber and Val Whiteman lead the service, Julie Sewards reads Matthew chapter 13 verses 44-46 and Phil Sewards gives the talk.
What or who do you value the most? If you found a treasure of greater value, would you change your life to get hold of it? Would you show others where it is if you could share it?
19/07/2020 10 am
This morning's service is based on Paul's letter to the Romans, chapter 12 verse 2,
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Transcript of notices and talk only - follow this link.
12/07/2020 10 pm
What's Your Prize?
The service is led by Revd. Andrew Attwood, and Michelle gives the talk, based on the First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 9, verses 24 to 27, training to run the race to gain the prize. She and Andrew also refer to Jesus' Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20.
For transcript of the talk - follow this link.
05/07/2020 10 am
Song of Songs chapter 2
Lindsey Attwood shares her journey of faith by exploring this unusual book of the Bible, otherwise known as the Song of Solomon - for Christians, a picture of the love of Jesus for His Church.
Lindsey, in exploring chapter 2, talks about the invitation we all have to follow Jesus, to trust Him, to come back if we slip away, to give our heart to Him, to yield to Him and thus become His disciple.
Other references: Ephesians 5:25, 1 John 4:19, Isaiah 55:8, Matthew 11:29, 1 Peter 5:8, John 14:15 & 14:24, and Isaiah 61
Kim Matthews leads the service; he and Jenny read the passage; Jeremy Bryans prays the intercessions.
The talk starts at 16 minutes and 15 seconds into the video.