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Our Vision

Our Purpose as a local church in Kenilworth is summed up in one sentence:

Becoming like Jesus, making disciples, bringing real change.


Becoming like Jesus

We want all people to enter into a living relationship with Jesus, and to steadily learn how to follow him. We look for people to follow him in such a way that, becoming like Jesus in love, character and obedience, they too are led and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live joyfully and effectively as God intends. This includes making other disciples too.


Making disciples

We prioritise friendship and creative community life to help us show care and over time to make disciples. We want every person that we are in contact with to know God’s love and truth, and to have many opportunities to become a real and active follower of Jesus Christ. As we integrate new people into God’s family, we want to grow new disciples who can also make disciples, making a positive difference in God’s world.


Bringing real change

We want to make a tangible and positive impact on our town’s culture and activity, by engaging with existing activity and creating new, godly, life-giving and loving experiences for people to enjoy and embrace. We want negative and unhelpful social or cultural problems to be overcome by the love and wisdom of Jesus - expressed through his inspired local church, so that lives and local provision for all kinds of needs are changed for the better. This engagement begins in and is based in Kenilworth, but stretches beyond here even to positive activities we support in other nations.


Mission-Shaped Communities

The primary vehicle we are beginning to use more is a mission-shaped community, where people are led by Jesus to engage with networks and needs beyond church. Through friendship with people where they are we intend to develop communities of faith all over Kenilworth, gathering together on most Sundays but scattered out elsewhere at times. Through relationship and intentional discipling with new and existing people we intend to build a church that can thrive in our land in this time of national change.

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