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Watch Again March to June 2020

28/06/2020 6 pm

The message of Romans 8

Revd. Andrew Attwood leads us through this key chapter in the Bible verse by verse, but first putting it into context with a summary of Isaiah chapters 40 to 55 and then Romans chapters 1 to 7.


This is the chapter that tells us:

  • There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus


  • Nothing can separate us from the love of God.



For transcript - follow this link.




21/06/2020 6 pm

United with Jesus in His Death and His Resurrection

The talk is by Anthony Manning.


The texts are Romans 6 verses 1 to 11

(read by Geoff Whiteman) and
Matthew 10 verses 24 to 39

(read by Hanne Manning).


The service is led by Val Whiteman.



Transcript of talk - follow this link.


Transcript of whole service - follow this link.




14/06/2020 6 pm

Journeying together as disciples

Robert Latham considers the common ground between Romans chapter 5 verses 1 to 8 and Matthew chapter 9 verse 35 to chapter 10 verse 23.


Emma Latham leads the service and Matt Hesling Gibson reads the Epistle (the Romans passage).





Transcript of the talk - follow this link.


Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.




07/06/2020 6 pm

Healing and Refreshing service

The service is based on the Lord's Prayer, Luke chapter 11, verses 1 to 4. See also The Lord's Prayer (Common Worship).


Ann Gibbons leads the service.

Meditation and intercessions by Lynda Howells.


Transcript of just the meditation and prayer activity - follow this link.


Transcript of whole service - follow this link.


31/05/2020 6:30 pm

Taizé service

If there is a fifth Sunday in the month we join with other churches in Kenilworth in a service based on the songs and the culture of the Taizé community (see



The service starts 2 minutes into the video.




Transcript of whole service - follow this link


24/05/2020 6 pm

Covenant, Exodus & Temple

On the 4th Sunday in the month we have teaching in the evening.

The talk is by Revd. Andrew Attwood.

He describes three keys to unlocking some of the meaning behind the New Testament: they are Old Testament concepts of Covenant, Exodus and Temple.


​Covenant: references to

* God's covenant with Noah: Genesis 8:20-9:17

* God's covenant with Abraham: Genesis 15

* God's covenant with Moses: Exodus 20

   and with Joshua: Deuteronomy 31

* Prophecy of the covenant via the Spirit:
   Jeremiah 31:31-34

In the New Testament: Mark 1:1-8, Matthew 26:26-29, Hebrews 9:11-15


Exodus: the Passover: Exodus 12:1-30

New Testament refs: Mark 3:23-29, Luke 9:28-36, Mark 10:45 (compare Isaiah 53:10), 1 Corinthians 5:7


Temple: Genesis 2, Exodus 13:21-22, Exodus 33:12-17 2 Samuel 7, 1 Kings 6, 2 Chronicles 7

New Testament refs: John 2:18-22, 1 John 4:13,

1 Corinthians 3:16-17


The great commission, covering all three:

Matthew 28:18-20  


Transcript of talk - follow this link

17/05/2020 6 pm

The Father will give you the Spirit of Truth

Evening Prayer with Gill and Charlie Palmer, with
Sam Whiteside giving the talk

Texts for the talk: Acts chapter 17, verses 22 to 31 and John chapter 14, verses 15 to 21.


Was Paul's speech ot the Athens council a flop? Who is this "Unknown God"?

He gives the Spirit of Truth to Jesus' disciples.


Transcript of the whole service - follow this link

17/05/2020 10 am KM

Hearing God - Heart Attitude

The Knights' Meadow service is normally held on Zoom, but today there was a worldwide Zoom outage.


Andrew had however pre-recorded his talk and you can see it here.  Some references:

Peter walking on water: Matthew 14:22-32
Peter disagreeing with Jesus about him being killed and rising again: Mark 8:31-33
Jesus saying to Simon, Satan has asked to sift them all: Luke 22:31-34
Peter denying Jesus: Luke 22:54-62
Stoning of Stephen: Acts 7:54-60
Disciples filled with the Spirit and Peter's sermon: Acts 2:1-41
Peter and the vision of the cloth of unclean creatures: Acts 10:9-22
Andrew suggests, at this time of coronavirus lockdown: it's an opportunity to go deeper with God: be still and give God room.


Transcript of the talk: follow this link

10/05/2020 10 am

Dangers of the Love of Money

The service is led by Andrew Attwood, who also leads us in worship through Psalm 131.

The talk is given by Roger Homes, based on the first letter of Paul to Timothy, chapter 6, verses 3 to 10, read by Heather Homes. Within the talk there is a testimoney by Martin Lewis.

Other references: Luke 12:13-34, Matthew 19:16-26 (esp. 19:24), Philippians 4:12, Colossians 3:5, Matthew 6:24, Luke 10:25-37, Luke 19:1-10,
1 Corinthians 13

Richard Foster: Money, Sex and Power


The service starts 3 minutes into the video


Transcript of the whole service - follow this link

03/05/2020 10 am

Support from unexpected people

​The service is led by Val Whiteman (who also reads Psalm 97), the reading of Luke chapter 8, verses 1 to 3 and prayerful reflection on the talk are by Andrew Attwood, and the talk is by Lindsey Attwood.


Lindsey notes how Luke points out how important women were in supporting Jesus' ministry. Why was that, and what does that mean for our understanding of how Jesus works?


In passing, Lindsey mentions the YouTube series "the Chosen". Here is a link to it.


Transcript of whole service - follow this link

26/04/2020 10 am

How much are you worth?

Service led by Michelle Harris

Reading of 1 Timothy chapter 5 verses 1 to 3 by
Rob Harris

Talk by Graham Archer: how do you measure how much someone is worth?

- how much money they have?

- how productive they are?

- how much they mean to someone else?

- how much they mean to God!

Additional reference to Psalm 8.


The service starts 5 minutes and 45 seconds into the video and lasts 28 minutes and 15 seconds.
The talk starts at 15 minutes  into the video and lasts just over 10 minutes.


Transcript of the service - follow this link

19/04/2020 10 am

You're invited - will you come?

Andrew Attwood takes his theme from the gospel according to Luke, chapter 14, verses 15 to 24


Jesus is talking to Pharisees, people who think they're following God - they're invited to a banquet, but they make excuses not to come. What excuses do we make?


The service starts at 4 minutes 48 seconds into the video and lasts 39 minutes,
and the talk starts at 17 minutes and 15 seconds into the video and lasts 18 minutes.


Transcript of the talk- follow this link


Holy Saturday

Revd. Robert Latham has prepared an Easter Liturgy for use at home on the evening before Easter Day.


There is no video for this service.


Click the "Open document" button below for the liturgy.



09/04/2020 7 pm

Maundy Thursday

A Christian celebration of Passover remembering Christ's Last Supper


Led by Andrew and Lindsey Attwood,
Val and Geoff Whiteman



The service lasts 14 minutes



Service liturgy - follow this link



05/04/2020 10 am

Palm Sunday

Marcus Jackson takes to the road where Jesus is riding into Jerusalem. What is everyone thinking?


The reading is of John chapter 12 verses 12 to 19


Other references: Zechariah 9:9, Isaiah 53 and Matthew 20:17-19


The service starts at 5 minutes 30 into the video and lasts 53 and a half minutes.

The talk starts at 31 minutes into the video and lasts

14 minutes including a response led by Andrew Attwood


Transcript of whole service - follow this link

29/03/2020 10 am

Watching and Waiting

The reading is of Colossians chapter 1 verses 15 to 20


Other references: Genesis 37:12-36 (Joseph in the well), Genesis 50:18-21 ("You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good"), Numbers 20:14-16 ("when we cried out to the Lord, he heard our cry")
2 Corinthians 12:7-9 (Paul's thorn in the flesh), Matthew 16:21-23 (Peter rebuked), Hebrews 7:16, (a priest on the basis of the power of an indestructible life) Matthew 28:18-20 (the Great Commission), Luke 8:22-25
(Jesus in the boat)


The service lasts 39 minutes 10 seconds


Transcript of whole service - follow this link

22/03/2020 10 am

Do Not Worry

The reading is of Matthew chapter 6 verses 25 to 34


Other references: Philippians 4:6-7 ("do not be anxious ... and the peace of God ... guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"), Luke 8:22-25 (Jesus commands the disciples to cross the lake in a storm), Matthew 17:22-23 (Jesus knows he is going to die and rise again), Revelation 1:18 ("I was dead, and now look! I am alive for ever")

The service starts at 12 mins 50 secs into the video and lasts 34 minutes


Transcript - follow this link

28/06/2020 10 am


Unfortunately the service livestream was interrupted. The first part can be seen via this link:

The second part is available via the button below. It includes Karen Mills's retelling of the passage from Luke 8:42b-48 followed by Andrew Attwood, who leads us through the story verse by verse, showing us how the Holy Spirit and Jesus work together, and asking the questions

- Do you think healing is for everyone else but not yourself?

- Is Jesus passing by close by you today?


​For a transcript of the retelling and talk, follow this link.

For a transcript of the whole service, follow this link.

21/06/2020 10 am

Reaching the End of Ourselves

Andrew Attwood considers how Jesus responded to the Rich Young Man in Matthew 19 verses 16-30 in his series on going deeper with God.


Jane Garsed, Heather Homes and Dot Powell also offer thought-provoking word pictures and stories.


Michelle Harris leads the service and her daughter Jess reads the passage.


Another reference: Revelation 3:14-22.


Transcript of talk, reading and contributions (from Jane, Heather and Dot) - follow this link.


Transcript of whole service - follow this link.

14/06/2020 10 am

While we were still sinners Christ died for us

Andrew Attwood takes his text from Romans chapter 5 verses 1 to 11. He also refers to John 13:36-38 and John 8:34-36.

He  also mentions Chronos and Kairos, for which see a brief explanation at this external link.


Also at the beginning of the service Churchwarden Kim Matthews makes an announcement concerning delaying opening of the church building.


Denise Coomber leads the service.


Transcript of the announcement and the talk - follow this link.


Transcript of the whole service - follow this link.

07/06/2020 10 am

Trinity Sunday

The text is 2 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 14.


Andrew Attwood draws from various passages in the Bible - Genesis 1:26, Deuteronomy 6:4, Proverbs 8:27-31, John 3:16, John 3:35, John 5:19John 10:17, John 14:31, John 15:10, 1 John 4:8, Psalm 18:19 - (and also John Calvin, Ross Hastings and Steve DeWitt) to present the relationship that is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  What is God really like? Maybe this lockdown time is the ideal opportunity to find out?


Transcript just of talks - follow this link.


Transcript of whole service - follow this link.

31/05/2020 10 am

Pentecost - from the Valley to the High Hills

Karen’s initial text is Habakkuk chapter 3 verses 37-39 and her talk is drawn from various parts of the book of Habakkuk, particularly chapter 1, oversees 1 to 11 , chapter 2 verse 1 and chapter 3 verse 2. She also refers to 1 Kings 18:41-46.


Habakkuk sees injustice and decay all around him, but in the final verses of the book he still finds it possible to rejoice in God - how can that be?


Transcript of whole service - follow this link

24/05/2020 10 am

(The Lord's) Prayer

The service is led by Michelle Harris and the talk is given by Denise Coomber.

The text is Luke 11:1-13


What is prayer? How should we pray? What does the Bible say about prayer?

Dense then leads us through The Lord's Prayer, giving us food for thought on each line of it.

Along the way, she refers to:

The Prayer Course, Lectio 365,

Matthew 6:5-15, John 1:12-13, Revelation 4:8,
Psalm 29:1-2, Psalm 66, Judges 21:25, James 5:16, Dunkirk story (requires Facebook), 2 Chronicles 20, Hebrews 11, Mark 11:24, Luke 18:1-8, 1 John 1:8-9, Matthew 18:21-35, Thy Kingdom Come Day 3 - Thanks, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, James 4:7,
The Lord's Prayer (Common Worship)








Transcript of Denise's talk - follow this link


Transcript of whole service - follow this link




17/05/2020 10 am WR

The Importance of the Presence of God

The service is led by Karen Mills, who also reads
Psalm 51 verses 1 to 17.

Lindsey Attwood reads the text, Luke 1:26-38.

The talk is given by Andrew Attwood.

During the time of confinement, maybe now is the time to experience the presence of God.
Andrew looks at parallels in the Bible and also just over 100 years ago.


Transcript of the whole service - follow this link

10/05/2020 6 pm

Living out the Resurrection

Evening Prayer with Revd. Robert Latham
and Emma Latham

The Psalm is number 31, verses 1 to 5

Texts for the talk: Acts chapter 7, verses 55 to 60 and John chapter 14, verses 1 to 14.


How did Stephen and the Apostles live in the light of Jesus' resurrection? 

How should we live in this light?

What should we pray for?


Other references: Revelation 12:11, Psalm 91:7


If you find the video too quiet, try the version on our "Listen Again" page or read the transcript - see below




Transcript of the whole service - follow this link


03/05/2020 6 pm

Healing and Refreshing

Ann Gibbons introduces the service, reading Psalm 23, and Lynda Howells leads us in a meditation on the psalm.







Transcript of the whole service - follow this link







26/04/2020 6 pm

The Road To Emmaus

Compline, also known as Prayers at the End of the Day, is the final church service of the day in the Christian tradition of canonical hours.

Today's service is led by Felicity Hawke. A reflection on the journey of two friends on the road to Emmaus is given by Lynda Howells. The passage, Luke chapter 24, verses 13 to 35, is first read by Ann Gibbons.



The service starts 3 minutes into the video and lasts 17 minutes. The talk starts at 11 minutes and 50 seconds into the video and lasts 2 minutes and 15 seconds.


Transcript of the service - follow this link

19/04/2020 6 pm

Thomas doubted - wouldn't you?

Anthony Manning leads the service.


Val Whiteman preaches on the following readings:

Acts chapter 2, verses 14a and 22 to 32 and
John chapter 20, verses 19 to 31

After a brief list of reasons why people doubt Jesus' resurrection, Val lists a number of reasons to believe, and then talks about the consequence of that belief.


The service starts 5 minutes into the video and lasts 28 minutes and 15 seconds. The talk starts at 15 minutes and 45 seconds into the video and lasts nearly 12 minutes.


Transcript of the service - follow this link


12/04/2020 10 am

Easter Day

Andrew Attwood and Dot Powell celebrated Easter Day with a quiz, videos from members of the congregation, and an exposition of the gospel according to
Mark, chapter 16, verses 1 to 8


The women met a young man, dressed in a white robe, and suddenly their life changed!


Other references: Philippians 3:10-11 and
Acts 14:19-20


The service starts 30 seconds into the video and
lasts 50 minutes. The talk starts 25 minutes in.


Transcript of whole service - follow this link

10/04/2020 3 pm

Good Friday

Andrew Attwood, Cathrine Pennington and James Pollard share thoughts on the description of Christ's Passion in the Gospel according to St. John, chapters 18 and 19.



The video lasts 1 hour 7 minutes and 29 seconds


Transcript of Bible study - follow this link

05/04/2020 6 pm

Church Leadership

Val talks about 1 Timothy 3:1-13. and 5:17-21


She talks about three aspects of leadership:
(1) correct behaviour of a leader, (2) the model of leadership and (3) behaviour of others towards their leader (from the 2nd passage).​

Other references: Luke 22: 24-27, John 13: 1-17Romans 12:3-8, Acts 6, Hebrews 13:7


The video lasts 18 minutes and 24 seconds

(a slightly louder version available on "Listen Again")


Val's script - follow this link

29/03/2020 6 pm

Women in Ministry

Andrew tackles 1 Timothy chapter 2 verses 8-15.


Why does Paul not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man? Looking at other characters in the Bible, such as Mary, the first witness of the resurrection, Mary Magdalene, Priscilla (Acts 18:18-26), Phoebe (Romans 16:1) and Junia (Romans 16:7), finally looking what Genesis 2:15-18 and Genesis 3:1-19 actually say, he points out that Adam should have told Eve about the tree, otherwise she would not have been deceived. What do you think?


The video lasts 29 minutes and 15 seconds


Transcript - follow this link.

22/03/2020 6 pm

How to Read the Bible

This may seem obvious - but it's not necessarily!

Andrew asks you to look at the passage you read in terms of its ...

(1) Purpose

(2) Form

(3) Language

(4) Overarching Narrative and

(5) Structure

giving lots of examples

The talk starts at 7 mins 43 secs into the video and lasts 42 mins 10 secs


Transcript - follow this link

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