Sunday @ 10am
Sunday at 10am brings together about 100 adults and 30 children/youth for a celebration of what it means to worship together, learn together, pray together and grow together in following Jesus. It’s an opportunity to enjoy a contemporary worship style which allows space to reflect, to hear and understand more about what God has to say to us here and now, and to think about how we respond to that.
Sunday @ 10am is a relaxed, informal space where we can allow God to surprise us and, most importantly, it’s a community where everyone can feel welcomed, loved and cared for. We have a weekly rhythm of services which are built around the life and ministry of Jesus. These are:
1st Sunday of the month: In God's Presence
A time we dedicate to waiting on the Holy Spirit, praying with one another, and sharing stories, words and pictures.
2nd Sunday of the month: Hearing God's Word
A service dedicated to hearing God's Word through teaching on the Bible, discussion and prayer ministry.
3rd Sunday of the month: Learning Christ's Ways
A service focused on learning the specific ways of Jesus and exploring how we can put these ways into practice in our day-to-day lives.
4th Sunday of the month: Share Life and Mission
Every 4th Sunday we bring a picnic and meet at 11.30am in the Church building for a shared family lunch. This is a chance to get to know other members of the Church community, share encouraging stories and pray together.
A list of topics covered in January and February 2023 can be found here.
At Sunday @ 10am, you’ll find the whole spectrum of age ranges - from the youngest to the oldest. That’s one of the things we love about it! We always spend some of the time together, but most weeks there are special groups for children and young people [click here to find out more about Children’s and Youth work]. We have a great team of DBS checked volunteers who run age-appropriate, Bible-based activities. Fun is a key ingredient!
Here are what some of our community says about the Sunday @ 10am:
‘I love the diversity of people I meet.’
‘I like the fact that it’s all age and the family of God coming together - a chance for all ages to meet.’
‘We have great fun together in our groups with a lively bunch of children.’
‘I appreciate the variation - it doesn’t become ‘the church service’ every week’
'I come to Sunday @ 10am because I find God’s love here and that takes me through the week appreciating God’s love and wanting to share it with others.'
You might be someone who’s been a Christian a long time. You might be someone who’s just asking questions about life and faith. You might be someone who’s really been put off by ‘religion’. Whatever your experience with Church, if you want to give St John’s a try, Sunday @ 10am would be a good starting point.
If you’re looking for something more traditional, click here to find out more about 8 am services and
click here for 6 pm services or here for 10:30 am Wednesday services.
Sundays @10am contact: Andrew Attwood