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Sunday @ 6 pm

At 6.00 p.m. on Sundays the church is open for a variety of forms of service, and we offer a warm welcome to visitors and a safe place to worship"


There are different services during the month:

  • 1st Sunday - Healing and Refreshing. Come and explore God’s love in an informal way, and spend time in quiet with Him. 

  • 2nd Sunday - Relaxed Communion, using Common Worship, with hymns and a sung Gloria.

  • 3rd Sunday - Evening Prayer, using Common Worship.

  • 4th Sunday - Teaching Service. In depth look at either a topic or contemporary problem from the Bible. The service culminates in a discussion where everyone is encouraged to ask questions and take part in a dialogue.

  • 5th Sunday - Evening Prayer, or sometimes something different.

In August we have different services, for instance in the past we have had; Songs of Praise (a cream tea service), Mothers’ Union Communion, Poetry and Praise, and a Walk followed by Compline.


There is an active 4 part choir who enjoy singing hymns, and who gather to sing on 2nd and 3rd Sundays. Practices are on Friday evenings in church 7:30-9:00. Contact Ann Gibbons or any choir member if you are interested, and for latest details.


From time to time, Churches Together in Kenilworth and District hold joint services, including a Taizé service, Advent Service and services for Christian Aid Week and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Details of these can be found on the Love Kenilworth website,


Sunday @ 6pm contact: Felicity Hawke, Lynda Howells, Ann Gibbons

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