Watch Again January to March 2023
23/03/2023 9 am
Bible Study Easter Special:
John 13:1-15
With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Chris Waters, Michelle Harris and Pam Stote.
Foot-washing and betrayal
16/03/2023 9 am
Bible Study
Esther: Chapters 9 & 10
With Revd. Andrew Attwood and Revd. Pam Stote.
The last of this series.
Next week: something about Easter.
09/03/2023 9 am
Bible Study
Esther: Chapters 7 & 8
With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Chris Waters, Michelle Harris and Pam Stote.
02/03/2023 9 am
Bible Study
Esther: Chapters 5 & 6
With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Chris Waters, Michelle Harris and Pam Stote.
23/02/2023 9 am
Bible Study
Esther: Chapter 4
With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Chris Waters, Pam Stote and Michelle Harris.
09/02/2023 9 am
Bible Study:
Esther: Chapter 2
With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood and Chris Waters and Pam Stote.
02/02/2023 9 am
Bible Study
Esther: Introduction and 1:1-
With Chris, Lindsey, Michelle and Pam.
See the Bible Project video that explains the structure
26/01/2023 9 am
Bible Study
Mark 16 (last chapter)
With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Pam Stote and Chris Waters.
Do early additions to the Bible raise questions on its authority?
19/01/2023 9 am
Bible Study
Mark 15:42-16:8
With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Pam Stote, Michelle Harris and Chris Waters.
The burial of Jesus and His resurrection.
12/01/2023 9 am
Bible Study
Mark 15:21-41
With Lindsey Attwood, Pam Stote, Michelle Harris and Chris Waters.
The crucifixion of Jesus.
19/03/2023 6 pm
Evening Prayer service
2 Corinthians 13
The service is led by Anthony Manning.
The preacher is Sam Whiteside.
12/03/2023 6 pm
Holy Communion
2 Corinthians 12
The service is led by Revd. Rob Latham, who also preaches the sermon.
19/02/2023 6 pm
Evening Prayer service
2 Corinthians 11
Leader: Christine Haines
Preacher: Revd. Andrew Haines
12/02/2023 6 pm
Holy Communion
2 Corinthians 10
Service led by Revd. Rob Latham
Talk given by Anthony Manning
22/01/2023 6 pm
Extended Teaching
The Beatitudes
The leader of the service is Andrew Attwood.
The speakers are Matt King and Andrew Attwood.
An amplified version is available via Listen Again
15/01/2023 6 pm
Evening Prayer
2 Corinthians 9
The service is led by Paul Lewis.
The speaker is Val Whiteman.